Dynamics Mapping Setup Dialog

The Dynamics Mapping Setup dialog allows you to map dynamics symbols to MIDI controllers.

To open the Dynamics Mapping Setup dialog, do one of the following:

  • In the controller display, open the Controller Selection and Functions pop-up menu, select Articulations/Dynamics, open the Controller Lane Setup pop-up menu, and select Set up Dynamic Mapping.

  • In the Score Editor, open the Dynamics Mapping section, right-click a dynamics symbol, and select Dynamics Mapping.

Initialize Dynamic Mapping

Allows you to specify the dynamic range for the work with mapped dynamic symbols. Open the pop-up menu to the right and activate pp-ff if you do not want the extreme dynamic symbols (pppp, ppp, ffff, and fff) to have an effect. Activate pppp-ffff to use the whole dynamic range.


Lists the different dynamic symbols.


Allows you to set the velocity change for the selected dynamic symbol.


Allows you to set the volume change for the selected dynamic symbol.


Allows you to set the controller change for the selected dynamic symbol. To select the MIDI controller that is sent, activate Send Controller, and select a controller from the pop-up menu.

Change Velocities

Activate this to modify velocities by the percentage that is set in the Velocity column.

Send Volume

Activate this to choose which volume events are sent: CC 11 (Expression), CC 7 (Main Volume). If the MIDI track is routed to a VST instrument, you can also select VST 3 Volume.

Send Controller

Allows you to select the MIDI controller that is sent.