Soloing Channels in the Channel Displays

  • To solo a channel, click the corresponding speaker icon.

    You can solo several channels at the same time. All other channels are muted.

  • To deactivate the solo state of a channel, click the corresponding speaker icon again.

  • To solo a channel exclusively, Ctrl/Cmd-click the corresponding speaker icon.

  • To solo the LFE channel, click the corresponding cross-hair icon in the center of the channel display.

    This corresponds to the Solo Input/Output LFE Channel button in the center section.

  • To mute a channel, Shift-click the corresponding speaker icon.

Depending on whether you solo a channel in the input or output configuration, the following applies:

  • For output configurations, you can only hear the soloed speaker’s channel in the downmix.

  • For input configurations, you can hear the influence of the soloed speaker’s channel on the downmix.