Master Section Tools

The tools and options at the top of the Master Section window allow you to make various settings before rendering the file, make bypass settings, and decide whether the playback signal passes the Master Section.
Bypass Master Section

If this option is activated, the Master Section is ignored during playback. However, rendering to file still takes into account all plug-ins.


Lets you save and recall Master Section presets. The Presets pop-up menu offers additional options to save and load default banks and effects.

Reset Master Section

Removes all active effects from the slots and sets the master output to 0 dB.


Opens the Settings pop-up menu, where you can make settings for the Master Section.

Settings Pop-up Menu

Hide Plug-in Windows when Master Section is not Visible

If this option is activated, plug-in windows are hidden when the Master Section is not visible.

Show Plug-in Controls in the Plug-in Window

If this option is activated, the plug-in controls are displayed in plug-in windows.

Use Plug-in Chain Window

Shows all open plug-ins in the plug-in window as tabs, which allows you to quickly switch between the plug-ins.

Plug-in Windows Move with Master Section

If this option is activated, the plug-in windows are also moved when you move the floating Master Section.

Section Visibility

Allows you to show or hide the Master Section sections.


Rearranges the Master Section according to the sample rate and channel configuration of the active audio file. The internal bus of the Master Section and any active plug-ins are configured accordingly.

This operation is performed automatically before playback or rendering. It is sometimes helpful to manually rearrange the Master Section, because some plug-ins do not accept a mono or stereo signal as input, or a given sample rate. In that case, clicking the button informs you about any problems, before playback or rendering.

This operation has no effect if playback is already in progress or if there is no active audio file.