Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the Audio Editor and the Audio Montage window shows information about the active window using the units specified for the rulers.

The information displayed on the status bar is continuously updated, based on the movement of the cursor and on your audio selections.

Time/Level (dB)

Displays the time of the audio file at the mouse cursor position. In the Audio Editor, it also displays the level.

The value in brackets shows the time from the edit cursor position to the mouse cursor position.

Synchronize Cursor
  • Left-clicking this button (key command: !) synchronizes the playback cursor with the edit cursor; that is, while audio is being played back, the edit cursor is moved to the position of the playback cursor.

    If the specified position is currently not in view, WaveLab automatically scrolls to the position.

    In the Audio Montage window, this feature activates the clip that is located at this position, if any.

    As a result, if the clip plug-in chain window is open, the plug-ins of the activated clip are displayed and synchronized.

  • Right-clicking this button allows you to edit the edit cursor position by adjusting the values in the corresponding dialog.


    The editing unit that is used in the dialog corresponds to the unit that is set for the time ruler.

Audio Selection Indicator (Audio Editor)/Audio Range Indicator (Audio Montage)

In the Audio Editor, this displays the length of the current selection, or the total length of the audio file if no selection has been made.

In the Audio Montage window, this displays the length of the audio selection if a clip is selected, or the size of the audio montage.

If you have zoomed in, you can right-click the indicator to display the selected audio range, the active clip, or the whole file. Left-click the indicator to open the Range Selection dialog, where you can define or refine a selection.

Sampler Key Indicator (Audio Editor only)

Indicates the key of the current audio file (if defined). Click the indicator to open the Sample Attributes window.

Zoom Indicator

Displays the current zoom factor.

  • To open a pop-up menu that allows you to set additional parameters for zooming, click the indicator.

  • To open the Zoom Factor dialog that allows you to edit the zoom factor, right-click the indicator.

Audio File Properties/Audio Montage Properties

In the Audio Editor, this displays the bit depth and the sample rate. It also indicates whether the audio file is mono or stereo. Click the indicator to open the Audio Properties dialog.

In the Audio Montage window, this displays the sample rate of the audio montage. Click the indicator to open the Sample Rate dialog.

Bypass Master Section

If this option is deactivated, the Master Section is ignored during playback. However, rendering still takes all plug-ins into account.

Background Information

The status bar shows the progress of some background operations, such as rendering an effect. The operation can be paused or canceled using the corresponding buttons.