Workspace Templates

Nuendo provides sample templates that you can use as a starting point for your own workspaces.

The templates are made for screens with a resolution of 1280x800 px (minimal) or for screens with a resolution of 1920x1080 px (HD). You can change these templates according to your needs.

  • Deleting and overwriting templates cannot be undone.

  • If you have already used global workspaces in earlier Nuendo versions, the sample templates are not installed.

The following workspace templates are provided on the Workspaces menu:

Project (minimal)

Displays the Project window with minimal resolution.

Project + MixConsole (minimal)

Displays the Project window and MixConsole with minimal resolution.

Project (HD)

Displays the Project window with HD resolution.

Project + MixConsole + Channel Settings (HD)

Displays the Project window, MixConsole, and Channel Settings window with HD resolution.


To see the Channel Settings window, you must select an audio, MIDI, instrument, FX channel, or group channel track before you select the template.

Project + MixConsole + Racks (HD)

Displays the Project window, MixConsole, and Racks with HD resolution.