Follow Chord Track Modes

This section of the Inspector allows you to determine how your track follows the chord track.

The following options are available on the Follow Chord Track pop-up menu:


Follow Chord Track is deactivated.

Chords & Scales

This maintains the intervals of the original chord or scale as far as possible.


This transposes MIDI notes to match the key note and maps them to the current chord.


This transposes MIDI notes to match the current scale. This allows a bigger variety of notes and a more natural performance.

Root Notes

This transposes MIDI notes to match the root note of the chord event. The effect corresponds to using the transpose track. This option is suitable for bass tracks.


This transposes MIDI notes to match the voices of the selected voicing library.

Single Voice

Maps MIDI notes and VariAudio segments to the notes of a single voice (soprano, tenor, bass, etc.) of the voicing. Use the pop-up menu below to select the desired voice.


If you apply this mode to a selection of tracks that contain separate voices, you can set up one track as master and the others as voicing slaves. This way, you can change the voicing of the master and the slaves will follow automatically.