Time-Stretching Audio to Picture

You can change the length of an audio event that does not quite fit with a video by using time stretch.


The start of the audio event is aligned with the position of the video.


  1. Open the Transport menu and activate Use Video Follows Edit Mode.
  2. Select the Range Selection tool and double-click the audio event to create a selection range that spans the whole audio event.
  3. Click the right edge of the selection range and drag to adjust it to the desired length.
  4. Select Transport > Locators > Set Locators to Selection Range.
  5. With the Object Selection tool, select the audio event.
  6. Select Audio > Process > Time Stretch.
  7. In the Time Stretch dialog, click Use Locators.

    This sets the time stretch ratio so that the audio event fits the locator range.

  8. Click Process.


The audio is stretched or compressed to fit the range.