Loading inserts into channels

You can load up to four inserts into each channel, excluding MIDI channels. For example, you can load specific EQ plug-ins instead of using the default EQ channel strips, and apply amp modeling plug-ins to clean guitar channels.


For more information about the plug-ins included with Dorico SE, see the separate document Plug-in Reference.


The Mixer is shown, either in the lower zone or in the Mixer window.


  1. In the Mixer, click Inserts in any channel strip to expand all inserts sections.
  2. Click an insert slot and select the plug-in you want to load from the menu.
  3. Optional: If you want to edit settings for the new plug-in, click Edit Insert to open its plug-in window.
  4. Optional: If you loaded EQ plug-ins, deactivate the EQ channel strip in the corresponding channels.