Moving time signatures rhythmically

You can move time signatures to new rhythmic positions after they have been input.

  • You can only move time signatures rhythmically using the keyboard.

  • Time signatures can only be moved along staves. If you want to move a time signature across staves, you must delete the time signature and input a new time signature on the other staff.


  1. In Write mode, select the time signatures you want to move.
  2. Move the time signatures according to the current rhythmic grid resolution in any of the following ways:
    • Press Alt/Opt-Right Arrow to move them to the right.

    • Press Alt/Opt-Left Arrow to move them to the left.


The time signature takes effect from its new rhythmic position until the next existing time signature, or the end of the flow. Barlines are automatically updated either side of the time signature up to the previous/next existing time signature, or the start/end of the flow.


Only one time signature can exist at each rhythmic position, except for time signatures that only apply to single staves. If a time signature moves to the exact rhythmic position of another time signature as part of its move, the existing time signature is deleted.

You can undo this action which restores any time signatures deleted in the process.