Importing drum set patterns from Groove Agent SE

You can import Groove Agent SE patterns into drum set tracks and show them as notes; for example, if you want to include patterns in notated part layouts.


  • You have added a drum set to your project.

  • The drum set is assigned to a Groove Agent SE endpoint.

    You can apply playback templates that load Groove Agent SE for drum sets automatically, or load Groove Agent SE manually and assign the drum set to the required endpoint.


  1. In Play mode, select the drum set track in the track overview.
  2. In the Track Inspector, in the Routing section, click Edit Instrument to open the Groove Agent SE window.
  3. At the top of the pad section, choose Pattern to show pattern pads.
  4. Click and drag the pattern you want to use into one of the following places:
    • Track overview in Play mode

    • Percussion editor in the Key Editor


    You can click and hold pattern pads to preview them.

    An insertion line indicates where the pattern will begin.


Notes in the selected pattern are imported into the corresponding drum set. They appear in the track overview, percussion editor, and notation staves in the same ways as normal notes.


For more information about Groove Agent SE, see the Groove Agent SE user manual.