Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing cautionary accidentals

You can hide/show cautionary accidentals, or show them in parentheses, in different circumstances by default in flows that use the common practice accidental duration rule.


The flows in which you want to hide, show, or parenthesize cautionary accidentals use the common practice accidental duration rule.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-N to open Notation Options.
  2. In the Flows list, select the flows in which you want to hide, show, or parenthesize cautionary accidentals.

    By default, only the current flow is selected when you open the dialog. You can select other flows by clicking Select All in the action bar, clicking and dragging across multiple flows, Shift-clicking adjacent flows, and Ctrl/Cmd-clicking individual flows.

  3. In the category list, click Accidentals.
  4. In the Cautionary Accidentals section, change each option as required.

    For example, you can show cautionary accidentals for notes at different octaves in the same bar, but hide them in the following bar.

  5. Click Apply, then Close.


Cautionary accidentals are hidden, shown, or parenthesized in the corresponding circumstances in the selected flows.

If colors for accidentals are shown, cautionary accidentals appear pink.


For flows using the Modernist accidental duration rule, options for cautionary accidentals are available in the Modernist Options section of the Accidentals page.