You can make equalizer settings for the 4 bands. These have different default frequency values and different Q names. However, they all have the same frequency range (20 Hz to 20 kHz). You can specify different filter types for each individual module.

  1. Activate Band x

    Activates the equalizer band.

  2. Select EQ Band x Type

    Opens a pop-up menu where you can select an EQ type for the band. Bands 1 and 4 can act as parametric, shelving, or high/low-cut filters. EQ bands 2 and 3 are always parametric filters.

  3. Gain

    Sets the amount of cut or boost.

  4. Freq

    Sets the center frequency of the frequency range to be cut or boosted.

  5. Q

    Determines the width of the affected frequency range. Higher values give narrower frequency ranges.