Modifying Processes

You can delete or modify some or all processing from a clip in the Direct Offline Processing window. This includes the audio processes on the Processes menu and Sample Editor operations, such as Cut, Paste, Delete, and drawing with the Draw tool.


  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select the processed event in the Project window or in the Audio Part Editor.


      In the Project window or in the Audio Part Editor, processed events are indicated by a waveform symbol in the upper right corner.

    • Select the processed clip in the Pool.


      In the Pool, processed clips are indicated by a waveform symbol in the Status column.

    • Select the processed range in the Sample Editor.

  2. Select Audio > Direct Offline Processing.
  3. In the process list, select the process that you want to edit by clicking on it.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Activate Audition and modify the settings of the process.

    • Reset the process to its default settings by clicking Reset to Default Values.

    • Delete the process by clicking Delete on the process panel.


      Alternatively, you can right-click the process list and select Delete.

    • To delete all processing applied to the event, right-click the process list and select Delete All.