Disc-At-Once – Writing CD-Rs for Duplication Into Real CDs

WaveLab Pro only writes audio CDs in Disc-at-Once mode.

  • If you want to create a CD-R to use as a master for a real CD production, you must write the CD-R in Disc-At-Once mode. In this mode, the entire disc is written in one pass. There are other ways of writing a CD, namely Track-At-Once and Multi-Session. If you use these writing formats, the link blocks created to link the various recording passes together will be recognized as uncorrectable errors when you try to master from the CD-R. These links can also result in clicks when playing back the CD.

  • Disc-At-Once mode provides more flexibility when specifying pause lengths between tracks.

  • Disc-At-Once is the only mode that supports sub-indexes.