Audio Montage Template Dialog

In the Audio Montage Template dialog, you can set various options when creating an audio montage template.

  • To open the Audio Montage Template dialog, select File > New, click Audio Montage, and click Templates. In the Templates tab, click Add Template.

Include Clips

If this option is activated, clips are saved in the template.

Include Track and Montage Plug-ins

If this option is activated, track plug-ins and montage plug-ins are saved in the template.

Include Markers

If this option is activated, markers are saved in the template.

Include Notes

If this option is activated, notes that you have written in the Notes window are saved in the template.

Attach Audio File Format

If this option is activated, whenever you use the Render function in the Master Section, the audio file configuration specified below is proposed by default.

Template Name

Allows you to enter a name for the template.