Learn Regions From Text File

You can split an audio file according to a description of regions that is saved in a text file.

Each region must be described by a name, a start position, and an end position (or region length). The text file must be placed in the same folder as the audio file, with the same name, and with the extension that you specify in the WaveLab Pro dialog (for example, “txt” or “xml”).

You can use four tags to specify the regions.

  • Region name

  • Start

  • End

  • Length

These tags can be customized in the Auto Split dialog. The text file must specify either the End or the Length parameter.

Each parameter must be located on a separate text line.

The time values must be in samples or in timecode format.

  • Hours:minutes:seconds:samples

You can use three text formats.

  • “Tag”=“Value”: The tag comes first, then “=”, then the value.

  • “Tag” Tabulation “Value”: The tag comes first, then a tabulation, then the value.

  • XML style: The tag comes first, surrounded by < and >, then the value, then the tag surrounded by </ and >.

Text files must be in UTF-8 format.