Automating Pan Envelopes

You can automate pan envelopes individually via clip envelopes.


  1. In the montage window, select the clip for which you want to apply pan automation.
  2. In the Automation/Envelope pane of the Inspector window, click Add Automation Envelope.
  3. In the pop-up menu, select Pan.
  4. Optional: By default, the pan envelope is applied after the effects. If you want to apply the pan envelope before the effects, click Pan Envelope After or Before Effects.
  5. Optional: Click Pan Law and select the pan law that you want to use. The following options are available:
    • Channel Damp (0 dB | -∞)

    • Constant Power (+3 dB | -∞)

    • Channel Boost (+4,5 dB | -∞)

    • Channel Boost (+6 dB | -∞)

  6. Optional: To have a better overview of the envelope you are editing, you can hide the envelopes of other parameters. To hide envelopes, click Show/Hide Automation Envelope in the Automation/Envelope pane.
  7. In the clip, edit the pan envelope.

    You can also select an envelope point and edit its value in the Value and Position fields at the bottom of the Automation/Envelope pane in the Inspector window.