Edit Tab


Edit Source

Opens source file of the clip in the Audio Editor.

Edit Cubase Project

Opens the Cubase project relating to the clip.

Time Selection


Opens the Range Selection dialog where you can define selection ranges very accurately.

Right-click Range to open the Preset pop-up menu. Here, you can select factory presets and custom presets.


Allows you to edit the selection range in the following ways:

  • Double Selection Length doubles the length of the selection range.

  • Halve Selection Length halves the length of the selection range.

  • From Playback Position to End of File creates a selection range from the playback position to the end of the file. If playback is not active, the position of the edit cursor is used.

  • From Playback Position to Start of File creates a selection range from the playback position to the start of the file. If playback is not active, the position of the edit cursor is used.


Toggles the selection range on/off.



Cuts the selected audio range to the clipboard.


Copies the active clip or the selected audio range to the clipboard.

Right-click Copy to open a pop-up menu with additional options:

  • Memorize Cursor Position copies the position of the edit cursor to the clipboard.

  • Memorize Selection Length copies the length of the active selection range to the clipboard.


Pastes the clipboard content.

Right-click Paste to open a pop-up menu with additional paste options.


Split Selected Clips

Splits the selected clips at the edit cursor or playback cursor position.

Split Clips on All Tracks

Splits the clips on all tracks at the edit cursor or playback cursor position.


Crop Clip

Removes the areas of the clip that are outside the selection range.

Erase Selected Range

Erases the part of the clip that lies inside the selection range on the selected track, without filling the gap.

To erase the selection range on all tracks, right-click Erase Selected Range and select Erase Selected Range on All Tracks.

Delete Selected Clips/Delete Selected Range

Deletes the part of the clip that lies inside the selection range on the selected track and moves the right section of the clip to the left to fill the gap.

If there is no selection range, the selected clips are deleted.

To delete the selection range on all tracks, right-click Delete Selected Range and select Delete Selected Range on All Tracks.



This pop-up menu allows you to select which items are affected by the nudge function.

  • Auto Select Item automatically selects what should be nudged, depending on your last action. For example, if your last action was to select or move a clip, the Clip Position option is automatically selected.

  • Clip Position moves the selected clips.

  • Clip’s Left/Right Edge resizes the active clip.

  • Clip’s Fade In/Fade Out moves the fade in/fade out junction points of the active clip. For stereo envelopes, both sides are adjusted.

  • Clip’s Crossfade narrows or widens the crossfade zone by moving the junction points of both clips in the crossfade. This only works if you select the second clip (the one on the right) in a crossfade pair.

  • Edit Cursor moves the edit cursor.

  • Left Edge of Selected Time Range/Right Edge of Selected Time Range moves the left/right edge of a selection range.

  • Selected Marker moves the selected audio montage marker. To select a marker, click it in the area above the ruler.

  • Volume of Active Clip adjusts the volume of the active clip step by step according to the Gain setting in the Audio Montages Preferences.

  • Volume of All Selected Clips adjusts the volume of all selected clips step by step according to the Gain setting in the Audio Montages Preferences.

  • Pan of Active Clip adjusts the pan of the active clip. Nudge + pans to the left and Nudge – to the right.

  • Pan of All Selected Clips adjusts the pan of all selected clips. Nudge + pans to the left and Nudge – to the right.

  • Surround Pan of Active Clip adjusts the pan of the active clip. Nudge + pans to the left and Nudge – to the right.

  • Surround Pan of All Selected Clips adjusts the pan of all selected clips. Nudge + pans to the left and Nudge – to the right.

Nudge -

Nudges the target to the left or down, by the amount that is defined in the Audio Montages Preferences.

Right-click Nudge Left to open a pop-up menu that allows you to change the nudge amplitude.

Nudge +

Nudges the target to the right or up, by the amount that is defined in the Audio Montages Preferences.

Right-click Nudge Right to open a pop-up menu that allows you to change the nudge amplitude.



Deactivates the auto-shift function.


If this option is activated and you move a clip horizontally, all clips on the selected track that are located to the right of the edited clip are also moved. This option also applies when moving or resizing clips, and when inserting or pasting more than one clip at the same time.


If this option is activated and you move a clip horizontally, all clips on all tracks that are located to the right of the edited clip are also moved. This option is taken into account when moving or resizing clips, and when inserting or pasting more than one clip at the same time.

Auto Grouping


Deactivates auto-grouping.


If this option is activated and you move a clip horizontally, all overlapping or adjacent clips on the same track are also moved.


If this option is activated and you move a clip horizontally, all vertically overlapping clips on all tracks are also moved.



This pop-up menu allows you to make snapping settings for crossfades.

  • If Snap to Waveform When Crossfading is activated and you create a crossfade by dragging a clip towards another one located on its left side, the position of the moved clip is automatically adjusted to obtain a good correspondence between the clip waveforms. This correlation process provides a crossfade that is aligned in phase.

  • If Create Crossfade and Snap to Waveform When Snapping to Left Clip is activated and you move a clip to let its start snap to the end of another clip on its left, the clip is slightly moved to the left to create a short crossfade that is based on an optimal correlation between the two waveforms. This correlation process provides a crossfade that is aligned in phase.

  • If Create Crossfade When Snapping to Left Clip (Based on Fade Out) is activated and you move a clip to let its start snap to the end of another clip on its left, the clip is slightly moved to the left to create a crossfade.

    The length of the crossfade is the fade in length of the clip on the right. If the fade in length is zero, the fade out length of the left clip is used as a basis instead. If that length is also zero, the Create Crossfade and Snap to Waveform When Snapping to Left Clip function is performed if activated.

Snap to Magnets

If this option is activated, moved elements such as clip edges, time selection edges, cursor, and markers snap to the magnets that are activated on the Magnets pop-up menu.


This pop-up menu allows you to select which items should be magnetic.


Create from Selection

Allows you to create clips from the selection range. If no clip is overlapping the selection, an empty clip is created.

Repeat Clip

Opens the Repeat Clip dialog where you can specify how clips should be repeated.

Video Follows Edit Mode

If this option is activated, the video in the Video window automatically follows each edit that you make. This allows you to instantly see where in the video your edit is taking place.


Mutes the active clip.


This pop-up menu allows you to lock the active clip.

  • If Full Lock is activated, the clip is locked to prevent accidental editing.

  • If Time Lock is activated, the position and size of a clip are locked. Other editing options are still possible.

Cue Point

This pop-up menu allows you to make cue point settings.

  • Set at Cursor sets the cue point to a fixed position from the start of the clip.

  • Set at Default Gap Position sets the cue point before the start of the clip, at a distance governed by the default pre-gap position.

  • Follows Fade In End Point sets the cue point to the fade in end point.

  • Follows Fade Out Start Point sets the cue point to the fade out start point.

  • If Custom Cue End is activated, you can set the end cue point at a custom position from the end of the clip. This option allows you to edit the gap individually for each clip.

    If this option is deactivated, the default gap that is defined in the Audio Montages Preferences is used.

  • End Offset opens the End Cue Point Offset dialog that allows you to set the end cue point at a custom position from the end of the clip.



We recommend to use no clip effects when working in external editors to prevent duplicating clip effects when you insert a new clip.

Waveform Editor

Opens the audio selection in an inline Waveform Editor. This allows you to edit the audio selection in a non-destructive environment.

Spectrum Editor

Opens the audio selection in an inline Spectrum Editor. This allows you to edit the audio selection in a non-destructive environment.

External Editor

Allows you to open the audio selection in an external editor.