Edit Tab


Edit Project

When you are working on an audio file or clip in WaveLab Pro, you can open the project of the audio file in Cubase/Nuendo. This allows you to correct issues that you have identified during mixing and correct these issues in the audio file in Cubase/Nuendo.

Edit Project opens the corresponding sequencer project of the audio file.


Time Selection

Tool that allows you to select a time range.


Tool that allows you to redraw the waveform in the wave window. This can be used to quickly repair waveform errors.


Tool that allows you to play back the audio file at the position where you click.

Time Selection


Opens the Range Selection dialog, where you can define selection ranges very accurately.


This pop-up menu contains various options for creating or extending selection ranges.


Toggles the current audio selection.


Selects the entire waveform.


This pop-up menu allows you to change the channel selection.

  • Extend to All Channels extends the current selection range to all channels.

  • Left Channel Only reduces the current selection range to the left channel only.

  • Right Channel Only reduces the current selection range to the right channel only.


This pop-up menu allows you to select a range between two markers.

  • CD Track selects the range between the two CD track markers that encompass the edit cursor.

  • Loop Region selects the range between the two loop markers that encompass the edit cursor.

  • Exclusion Region selects the range between the two exclusion markers that encompass the edit cursor.

  • Generic Region selects the range between the two generic markers that encompass the edit cursor.



Cuts the selected audio range to the clipboard.


Copies the active clip or the selected audio range to the clipboard.

Right-click Copy to open a pop-up menu with additional options:

  • Memorize Cursor Position copies the position of the edit cursor to the clipboard.

  • Memorize Selection Length copies the length of the active selection range to the clipboard.


Pastes the clipboard content.

Right-click Paste to open a pop-up menu that allows you to select a paste type.

  • Overwrite replaces the audio at the cursor position.

  • Append adds the pasted audio after the end of the file.

  • Prepend adds the pasted audio before the beginning of the file.

  • Multiple Copies opens a dialog in which you can enter the number of copies that you want to create.

  • Mix blends two files into each other, starting at the selection or, if there is no selection, at the cursor position.

    If you select Mix, a dialog opens, allowing you to specify the gain and phase for the audio on the clipboard and at the destination. The clipboard data is always mixed in, regardless of the length of the selection.

Paste and Crossfade

Pastes the clipboard content and creates a crossfade.

Right-click Paste and Crossfade to open a pop-up menu that allows you to select a crossfade type for pasting.

  • Linear (Equal Gain) changes the level linearly.

  • Sinus (Equal Power) changes the level according to a sine curve, the power of the mix remains constant.

  • Square-Root (Equal Power) changes the level according to a square-root curve, the power of the mix remains constant.



Deletes the data outside the selection.


Deletes the selection. The audio to the right of the selection is moved to the left to fill the gap.

Smooth Delete

Deletes the selection and inserts crossfades at the edges. You can edit the default length and type for the crossfade in the Audio Files Preferences, on the Editing tab.


Swap Stereo Channels

Moves the audio in the left channel to the right channel, and vice versa.


Nudge Left

Nudges the audio selection to the left.

Nudge Right

Nudges the audio selection to the right.



If this option is activated, the start and the end of a selected range always snap to a zero-crossing point of the waveform.

If Zero-Crossing is activated and you add markers during playback via key commands, the markers snap to the nearest zero-crossing point of the waveform.

This applies for the following markers types:

  • Generic markers

  • Region markers

  • Loop markers

  • Exclusion markers

Snap to Magnets

If this option is activated, moved elements such as clip edges, time selection edges, cursor, and markers snap to the magnets that are activated on the Magnets pop-up menu.


This pop-up menu allows you to select which items should be magnetic.



Replaces the selection range with the original audio samples. This allows you to undo all edits of an audio section without undoing edits that you made to the rest of the audio file.

Locate Edit in History

Allows you to highlight the version of the edit cursor position in the History window.


External Editor

Allows you to open the audio selection in an external editor. For example, SpectraLayers.