Color Elements in the Audio Editor

You can assign custom colors to various elements of the Audio Editor. Depending on the selected element, additional settings can be made for transparency, appearance, or whether a line should be dotted, for example.

Left Channel/Right Channel


The waveform color.

Waveform (Selected)

The waveform color of the selected part of the waveform.

Waveform Outline

The outline color of the waveform.

Waveform Outline (Selected)

The outline color of the selected part of the waveform.

Background Top

The color of the background top.

Background Top (Selected)

The color of the selected part of the background top.

Background Bottom

The color of the background bottom.

Background Bottom (Selected)

The color of the selected part of the background bottom.

Waveform Main Axis

The color of the waveform main axis and its style.

Waveform 50 % Axis

The color of the waveform 50 % axis and its style.

Waveform Elements

Channel Separator

The color of the channel separator line.

Cursor (Edit)

The color of the edit cursor, its width, and transparency.

Cursor (Edit, No Focus)

The color of the edit cursor for a file that does not have the focus.

Cursor (Play)

The color of the cursor during playback.

Pre-/Post-Roll Indication

The color of the pre-/post-roll indication.

Marker Line

The color of the marker lines and an optional transparency.

Edit Indicator Line

The color of the edit indicator line.

Edit Indicator Head

The color of the edit indicator head.

End of File Indicator

The color of the end of the file indicator.

Time Ruler Style

The color of the time ruler and its style.

Time Ruler Font

The color of the font on the time ruler and the font size.

Level Ruler Style

The color of the level ruler, its style, and transparency.

Level Ruler Font

The color of the font on the level ruler and the font size.