Grid Type Menu

Allows you to specify a grid type that determines the grid and snap resolution in the event display.


This setting only has an effect if Snap Type is set to one of the grid options.

  • To open the Grid Type pop-up menu, click Grid Type on the toolbar.

If you select Bars+Beats as display format, the following grid types are available:


Sets the grid and snap resolution to bars.


Sets the grid and snap resolution to beats.

Use Quantize

Sets the grid and snap resolution to the value that is activated in the Quantize Presets pop-up menu.

Adapt to Zoom

Sets the grid and snap resolution to the horizontal zoom level. The more you zoom in on the event display, the finer the resolution. High zoom levels allow you to snap to 64th notes, low zoom levels allow you to snap to bars.


Adapt to Zoom is only available if Bars+Beats is set as ruler display format.


You can assign key commands to the grid types in the Key Commands dialog in the Edit category.

If you select Seconds as the display format, the following grid types are available:

1 ms

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 ms.

10 ms

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 10 ms.

100 ms

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 100 ms.

1000 ms

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1000 ms.

If you select Timecode as the display format, the following grid types are available:


Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 subframe.

1/4 frame

Sets the grid and snap resolution to ¼ frame.

1/2 frame

Sets the grid and snap resolution to ½ frame.

1 frame

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 frame.

2 frames

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 2 frames.

1 second

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 second.


If you activate this as a display format and Show Timecode Subframes is activated in the Preferences dialog (Transport page), the frames will also display subframes. There are 80 subframes per frame.

If you select Samples as the display format, the following grid types are available:

1 sample

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 sample.

10 samples

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 10 samples.

100 samples

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 100 samples.

44100 samples

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 44100 samples.

If you select 60 fps (user) as the display format, the following grid types are available:


Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 subframe.

1/4 frame

Sets the grid and snap resolution to ¼ frame.

1/2 frame

Sets the grid and snap resolution to ½ frame.

1 frame

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 frame.

2 frames

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 2 frames.

1 second

Sets the grid and snap resolution to 1 second.


If you activate this as a display format and Show Timecode Subframes is activated in the Preferences dialog (Transport page), the frames will also display subframes. There are 80 subframes per frame.