Clip Packages

Clip packages are sound combinations that you create by arranging, editing, and grouping several audio events or parts in the Project window and saving them as clip packages.

Clip packages are shown in the Pool and in the MediaBay from where you can import them into several projects.

Clip packages are container files that include all the selected audio material as opposed to mere file references. This is useful for layered sounds such as explosions, background atmospheres, or effect sounds.

  • Clip packages contain copies of the audio files. Any offline processes you applied to the audio are saved in the file and cannot be modified or undone later.

  • Clip packages contain volume and pan automation of the audio, as well as any fades, crossfades and volume envelopes. Insert or send effects or EQ settings of the corresponding tracks are not included.

  • Clip packages contain only the portion of an audio clip that is actually used by an event. This section is extended by 2 seconds at the beginning and the end of the event so that you are still able to adjust the event borders.

    • Audio clips set to musical time base are copied in entirety into the clip package.

    • If a clip package contains audio material from VST Sound archives, this is not copied into the clip package. In this case, a reference to the original VST Sound archive is saved. If you want to use these clip packages in another project, you must copy the referred VST Sound files.