Showing/Hiding Global Tracks in the Key Editor

You can show global tracks and their events in the Key Editor.


  • In the Project window, you have added at least one global track, such as the tempo, signature, chord, ruler, arranger, video, marker, or the transpose track.

  • In the track list, you have set up the order of the tracks as you want them to be shown in the Key Editor.

  • Optional: In the Project window, you have activated Show Scales for the chord track.

  • Optional: In the Project window, you have defined a Visible Tempo Upper Limit and a Visible Tempo Lower Limit for the tempo track.


  1. Select a MIDI part in the Project window.
  2. Select MIDI > Open Key Editor to open the Key Editor in a separate window.

    The Global Tracks section is shown in the Inspector. Its track list shows a list of the available global tracks of your project.


    The Global Tracks section of the Inspector is not available in the lower zone editor.

  3. In the track list of the Global Tracks section, activate the tracks that you want to show in the Key Editor.


The global tracks that you activated are shown above the note display.

The global track setup in the Key Editor is saved with the project.


If your project contains global tracks, you can also activate and show them and their events in the Key Editor by clicking Set up Window Layout on the toolbar and activating Global Tracks.