Soloed, Muted, and Disabled Speaker Channels

The speaker buttons around the Top View and the Rear View represent the output configuration and allow you to disable, solo, or mute channels.
Enabled speaker

This channel is enabled.

Disabled speaker

This channel is disabled. Its signal is distributed to the other channels instead.

Soloed speaker

This channel is soloed.

Muted speaker

This channel is muted.

Disabled and muted speaker

This channel is disabled and muted.

  • To disable a channel, Alt-click on the corresponding speaker button. That way, no audio is routed to this channel. The signal that would otherwise be sent to this channel is distributed to the other channels instead. For example, you can disable the center channels for all stems of a film mix except the dialogue stem to make sure that only dialogue is sent to the center speaker.


    If the signal of a disabled channel is distributed to other channels, the power level stays constant.

  • To solo a channel, click the corresponding speaker button. That way, you only hear the signal sent to this channel while all other channels are muted. This can be useful for testing purposes, for example, to make sure that a signal is sent to a specific channel as intended.


    You can solo several channels at the same time by clicking on the corresponding speaker buttons one after the other. If you Ctrl/Cmd-click a speaker button, this channel is soloed exclusively and all other channels are muted.


Solo and mute cannot be automated.