Importing Samples

You can manually select samples to import or you can import complete folders containing samples.

  • To import samples, right-click the program or one of its layers, and select Import/Export > Import Samples.

  • To import a folder containing samples or subfolders with samples, right-click the program or one of its layers, and select Import/Export > Import Folder.

    Usually, sample collections are organized in folder structures, where each velocity layer or each key group is saved in a separate folder. You can create layers that correspond to the hierarchy of the subfolders on disk, by activating Create Layers from Subfolders.

When importing samples, HALion uses a default zone preset that sets all zone parameters to the default values, but excludes the sample-specific parameters. You can modify this preset in the Sound Editor for a zone and save it as Default to your user preset directory. HALion then uses this preset when importing samples.