Loading Programs and Layers

There are several ways to load programs:

  • Via drag and drop from the MediaBay, the Program Table, the Program Tree, or the File Explorer/macOS Finder onto the Slot Rack.

    To load the program into an empty slot, drag it onto this slot, or, if empty slots are not shown, drag it onto the empty space below the slots in the Slot Rack.

    To replace the current program, drag the program onto a used slot in the Slot Rack.

  • Via the slot context menu.

  • Samples and third-party programs can be loaded into the Slot Rack from a file browser or the Results List using drag and drop.


Programs containing lots of sample data may take some time to load.

Inserting Programs in between Slots

To add a program or layer in a new slot between two existing slots, drag it between these slots. A red line indicates the insert position.


The slot number is taken from the first available slot and does not necessarily reflect the order in which the slots are listed.

Loading Layers into Slots

If you load a layer into a slot, HALion creates a new program.