Changing the consolidation of rhythm dots

You can change how rhythm dots in multiple voices are consolidated at individual rhythmic positions, independently of your project-wide setting. For example, if you want to show fewer rhythm dots for a very dense chord.


  1. In Engrave mode, select the notes whose rhythm dot consolidation you want to change.
  2. In the Properties panel, activate Rhythm dot consolidation in the Notes and Rests group.
  3. Activate/Deactivate the corresponding checkbox.


Rhythm dots for notes of any duration are consolidated when the checkbox is activated, and no rhythm dots are consolidated when the checkbox is deactivated.

When the property is deactivated, rhythm dots follow your project-wide setting for consolidation according to note durations.


You can change how all rhythm dots in multiple voices are consolidated project-wide on the Notes page in Engrave > Engraving Options.