Changing the line style of smooth jazz articulations

You can change the line style of smooth jazz articulations individually, independently of your project-wide settings. For example, if you want selected smooth falls to have straight lines instead of wavy lines.


  1. Select the notes with smooth jazz articulations whose line style you want to change. You can do this in Write mode and Engrave mode.

    You must select notes with smooth jazz articulations on the same side, for example, only select notes with smooth jazz articulations before them.

  2. In the Properties panel, select one of the following line styles from the In line style menu and/or Out line style menu in the Jazz Articulations group:
    • Straight

    • Wavy

    • Dashed


    In line style is available when you select notes with smooth jazz articulations before them, and Out line style is available when you select notes with smooth jazz articulations after them. Both are available when you select notes with smooth jazz articulations on both sides.


The line style of the selected smooth jazz articulations is changed.

  • You can reset jazz articulations back to their default line style by selecting them and choosing Edit > Reset Appearance.

  • You can change the default line style of each smooth jazz articulation independently on the Jazz Articulations page in Engrave > Engraving Options.


Figure 1. Doit smooth with straight line
Figure 2. Doit smooth with wavy line
Figure 3. Doit smooth with dashed line