Divisi staff labels

Staff labels on divisi staves often require further detail than normal staff labels. Therefore, Dorico Pro allows you extra control over the appearance and formatting of staff labels on divisi staves.

By default, staff labels on divisi staves use the same paragraph styles for the formatting of their text as normal staves, and options for staff labels also apply to divisi staves. However, you can also edit each individual staff in divisi changes independently of these settings in the Change Divisi dialog, including changing the font, style, and alignment.

Creating custom groups of staves in divisi changes allows you to edit the group staff label independently of each staff. You can edit both the full and abbreviated group staff labels.

Additionally, the Change Divisi dialog allows you to hide and show player/group names and section numbers on the staves belonging to that specific divisi change independently of your settings on the Staves and Systems page in Setup > Layout Options.


Editing individual divisi staff labels overrides your paragraph style settings. If you later change the staff label paragraph styles, the edited divisi staff label is not updated.

You can show additional divisi change labels above divisi staves project-wide in each layout independently. By default, divisi change labels display the same information as divisi staff labels, are positioned above each staff, and are aligned with the position of the divisi change. Such labels can be particularly useful when divisi changes occur partway through systems and the precise division of the section would otherwise be ambiguous.