Layouts panel (Setup mode)

The Layouts panel contains all the layouts in the project, shown in a list. In Setup mode, it is located on the right of the window.

You can hide/show the Layouts panel in Setup mode in any of the following ways:

  • Press Ctrl/Cmd-9.

  • Click the disclosure arrow on the right edge of the main window.

  • Choose Window > Show Right Panel.

Layouts panel in Setup mode

In the Layouts panel, each layout is shown as a card. Each layout card shows the following:

  1. Disclosure arrow

    Expands/Collapses the layout card.

  2. Layout type

    Shows the type of layout from the following options:

    • Full score layout

    • Instrumental part layout

    • Custom score layout

  3. Layout name

    Shows the name of the layout. Dorico Elements automatically adds default names depending on the name of the instrument that is assigned to a player and on the type of layout that is added. For example, if you assign a flute to a player, the instrumental part layout automatically gets the same name. If you add an empty instrumental part layout, the layout name shows Empty part and an incremental number if you add multiple empty part layouts.

  4. Page size and orientation

    Shows the size and orientation of the layout as set on the Page Setup page in Setup > Layout Options.

  5. Space size

    Shows the space size between two staff lines in points, as set on the Page Setup page in Layout Options. This indicates the size of staves in the layout.

  6. Layout number

    Allows you to set a unique number for the layout that can be used as part of its file name when exported as a graphic. This can be useful to ensure exported part layout files are organized in their orchestral order, as this is usually different to their alphabetical order.

The action bar at the bottom of the panel contains the following options:

Add Full Score Layout

Adds a full score layout to your project. By default, every player and flow is automatically included in the layout.

Add Instrumental Part Layout

Adds an empty instrumental part layout to your project. You can then add one or multiple players to the layout. By default, a part layout contains all flows that are created in your project.

Add Custom Score Layout

Adds a custom score layout that initially without players or flows.

Sort Layouts

Sorts all layouts in the Layouts panel according to their type in the following order: full score layouts, instrumental part layouts, custom score layouts. It does not sort part layouts according to orchestral order.

Layout Options

Opens the Layout Options dialog for one or multiple selected layouts.

Delete Layout

Deletes selected layouts from the project.