Zooming in/out of tracks in the event display

You can change the zoom level in the tracks in the event display to make notes appear larger/smaller. This does not affect the height of tracks.


  • Change the zoom in any of the following ways:
    • To make notes appear wider, press Ctrl/Cmd-= or Z.

    • To make notes appear narrower, press Ctrl/Cmd-- or X.

    • To make notes appear taller, Shift-click and drag upwards on the piano keyboard on the left.

    • To make notes appear shorter, Shift-click and drag downwards on the piano keyboard on the left.

    • To make notes appear wider and taller, spread two fingers outwards on a touchpad.

    • To make notes appear narrower and shorter, pinch two fingers together on a touchpad.

    • To make notes appear wider, click and drag downwards in the ruler.

    • To make notes appear narrower, click and drag upwards in the ruler.