Moving slurs rhythmically

You can move slurs to new rhythmic positions after they have been input.


  1. In Write mode, select the slurs you want to move.

    When using the mouse, you can only move one slur rhythmically at a time.

  2. Move the slurs to the next or previous noteheads on the staff in any of the following ways:
    • Press Alt-Right Arrow to move them to the next notehead on the staff.

    • Press Alt-Left Arrow to move them to the previous notehead on the staff.

    • Click and drag the slur to the right/left.


The slurs are moved to the next or previous noteheads on the staff.


The rhythmic duration of slurs is usually maintained. However, depending on the rhythms they cross as they move, slurs may cover longer/shorter durations than before they were moved.