Changing the intervals of existing trills

The default trill interval is a second, either major or minor depending on the context. In addition to specifying the interval when inputting trills with the ornaments popover, you can change the intervals of trills individually after they have been input.


  1. Select the trills whose interval you want to change.
  2. In the Properties panel, activate Interval in the Trills group.

    The existing interval of the trill is shown as a number and quality.

  3. Change the interval by changing the value in the value field.
  4. Select one of the following interval qualities from the menu:
    • Diminished

    • Minor

    • Major

    • Augmented


The interval of the selected trills is changed. By default, trill intervals appear as accidentals when the interval is a second and as auxiliary notes for all other intervals.