Muting/Soloing tracks

You can mute/solo individual tracks, instruments, and voices belonging to instruments with independent voice playback enabled. This can be useful if you want to ensure only certain instruments are played back while you are working on a specific section of a project.


  1. Mute tracks in any of the following ways:
    • In the Mixer, click Mute in the corresponding channels.

    • In Play mode, click Mute for the corresponding tracks in the track overview.

  2. Solo tracks in any of the following ways:
    • In the Mixer, click Solo in the corresponding channels.

    • In Play mode, click Solo for the corresponding tracks in the track overview.

    • To solo selected instruments and mute other instruments, select at least one note belonging to each instrument you want to solo, then press Alt/Opt-S or choose Play > Solo Selected Instruments.


The corresponding tracks are muted/soloed. This affects playback until you change which tracks are muted/soloed, meaning you do not have to reselect the tracks you want to hear each time.

  • Soloing tracks automatically mutes all other tracks. If you solo a track that was muted, it is automatically unmuted.

  • You can also play back only specific tracks/staves temporarily by selecting notes/items on each track/staff you want to hear, then starting playback.


Figure 1. Mute when enabled
Figure 2. Solo when enabled