Changing the vertical position of breath marks

You can change the default vertical position of all breath marks project-wide; for example, if you want to place all breath marks immediately above the staff. By default, breath marks are placed halfway between the noteheads on either side.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-E to open Engraving Options.
  2. In the category list, click Holds and Pauses.
  3. In the Vertical Position section, choose one of the following options for Vertical position of breath mark:
    • Outside outermost staff line

    • Above notehead

    • Halfway between noteheads

  4. Click Apply, then Close.


The default vertical position of all breath marks project-wide is changed.


Figure 1. Breath mark positioned outside outermost staff line
Figure 2. Breath mark positioned above notehead
Figure 3. Breath mark positioned halfway between noteheads