Hiding/Showing guitar techniques on notation staves and tablature

You can show different guitar techniques on notation staves only, tablature only, or both project-wide. For example, you might want to show tapping, hammer-on, and pull-off indications on both but vibrato bar scoops and dips only on notation staves.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-E to open Engraving Options.
  2. In the category list, click Guitar Techniques.
  3. In the Hammer-on and Pull-offs section, hide/show tapping, hammer-on, and pull-off indications by choosing one of the following options for Show guitar techniques:
    • Notation only

    • Notation and tablature

    • Tablature only

  4. In the Vibrato Bar section, choose one of the following options for Show vibrato bar scoops:
    • Notation only

    • Notation and tablature

    • Tablature only

  5. Choose one of the following options for Show vibrato bar dips:
    • Notation only

    • Notation and tablature

    • Tablature only

  6. Click Apply, then Close.


The corresponding guitar techniques are hidden/shown on all corresponding staves project-wide.