Hiding/Showing systemic barlines on single-staff systems

By default, systemic barlines are shown at the start of systems containing two or more staves and hidden on single-staff systems. You can hide/show systemic barlines on single-staff systems on the first system and after the first system in each flow independently.

Showing systemic barlines on single-staff systems is a convention used in hand-copied lead sheets, usually in combination with hiding clefs and key signatures from the second system onwards.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-N to open Notation Options.
  2. In the Flows list, select the flows in which you want to hide/show systemic barlines after the first system.

    By default, only the current flow is selected when you open the dialog. You can select other flows by clicking Select All in the action bar, clicking and dragging across multiple flows, Shift-clicking adjacent flows, and Ctrl/Cmd-clicking individual flows.

  3. In the category list, click Barlines.
  4. In the Systemic Barline subsection, choose one of the following options for Barline at start of first system:
    • Show for one or more staves

    • Show for two or more staves

  5. Choose one of the following options for Barline at start of systems following first system:
    • Show for one or more staves

    • Show for two or more staves

  6. Click Apply, then Close.