Players, layouts, and flows

In Dorico Pro, players, layouts, and flows are all connected to each other. Because they exist in the project rather than in a single score, you can, for example, have players and flows saved in the project without showing them in the full score.

  • Players can be assigned to any combination of layouts and flows. For example, you can assign a single player to both the full score layout and their own part layout, and remove them from flows in which they do not play. By default, players are assigned to all flows that originated in the project, all full score layouts, and their own part layout.

  • Layouts can contain any combination of players and flows. For example, you can assign all the singers to a single part layout, then remove the flows from the layout in which they do not sing. By default, layouts contain all flows and full score layouts contain all players.

  • Flows can contain any combination of players and be assigned to/removed from layouts. By default, flows contain all players and are assigned to all layouts.

  • If you remove a player from a flow, any notes you have already input for that player in that flow are deleted.

  • Removing a flow from a layout automatically removes that layout from the flow, and vice versa. The same is true for players and layouts, and players and flows.

When you select a card in one of the panels in Setup mode, each card in the other panels shows a checkbox. Connected cards appear highlighted and have activated checkboxes, while unconnected cards are not highlighted and have deactivated checkboxes. For example, if you select a single player card in the Players panel, all the flows to which the player is assigned are highlighted and activated in the Flows panel and all layouts to which the player is assigned are highlighted and activated in the Layouts panel.

Figure: A piano player selected in the Players panel with connected flows and layouts highlighted in the Flows and Layouts panels