
Before you start writing music, you must specify the players that are playing one or multiple instruments.

A player can be a solo player, which represents a single person who can play one or more instruments. For example, a clarinettist may double alto saxophone or bass clarinet.

A player can also be a sectional player, which represents multiple people, each of whom plays the same instrument. For example, a violin section or the soprano section of a choir.

Dorico uses this knowledge about players and their instruments to assist you in producing a practical score efficiently, for example, by making it very easy to handle instrument doubling, divisi, and condensing music for multiple players onto a smaller number of staves.

If you add a player in Dorico, the following happens automatically:

  • An instrumental part layout is created.

  • The player is added to any full score layouts that already exist. If no full score layouts exists, a new full score layout is created.

  • The player is included in all existing flows.