Page setup

You can specify different paper sizes and orientation settings for each layout you want to print/export.


If you have selected Graphics in the Destination section of the Print Options panel, you can only change the paper orientation. No other options are available.

The Page Setup section of the Print Options panel contains the following options when you have chosen Printer in the Destination section:

Paper size

Allows you to select one of the available paper sizes from the menu. The paper sizes available depend on the capabilities of the selected printer.

You can also choose one of the following paper orientation options:

  • Portrait

  • Landscape

Print odd final page on

For Spreads and 2-up job types only: If this is activated, you can select a different paper size or orientation for the odd final page.


This setting is useful if your layout has an odd number of pages and you choose to print on A3 paper in landscape orientation. The first four pages fit onto two sheets of A3, while the fifth page would occupy only the left-hand side of a third sheet. This setting allows you to print the odd final page on A4 paper in portrait orientation.

Fit to Paper

Scales the layout to fit the paper.

Custom Scale

Allows you to define a different scale for the layout by entering a percentage value into the Scale factor field.