Pitch-dependent notehead designs

Pitch-dependent noteheads use different notehead designs or different notehead colors depending on the pitch of notes. There are a number of different pitch-dependent notehead designs available in Dorico.

  • You can find the available notehead designs by choosing Edit > Notehead > [Notehead type] > [Notehead design].


You can choose to use a pitch-dependent notehead design for all noteheads project-wide on the Notes page in Engrave > Engraving Options.

Table 1. Scale degree noteheads

Notehead design appearance

Notehead design name

Aikin 7-shape Noteheads

Funk 7-shape Noteheads

Walker 4-shape Noteheads

Walker 7-shape Noteheads

Table 2. Pitched noteheads

Notehead design appearance

Notehead design name

Figurenotes© noteheads

Pitch name noteheads