Moving lyric extender lines and hyphens

You can move lyric extender lines and hyphens horizontally.


You cannot move lyric extender lines or hyphens upwards/downwards, as their vertical position is determined by their lyric line number and your project-wide settings in Engrave > Engraving Options.


  1. In Engrave mode, select the lyric extender lines or hyphens that you want to move.
  2. Move the lyric extender lines or hyphens in any of the following ways:
    • Press Alt-Right Arrow to move them to the right.

    • Press Alt-Left Arrow to move them to the left.


      If you want to move items by larger increments, you can press Ctrl/Cmd as well as the standard key command, for example, Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-Left Arrow.

    • Click and drag them to the right/left.


The selected lyric extender lines or hyphens are moved to the right/left.

  • The start handles of lyric extender lines are attached to the lyrics from which they extend, and the start handles and end handles of lyric hyphens are attached to the lyrics on each side. If you move either of those lyrics, the corresponding lyric extender line or hyphen handles also move.

  • You can change the position of lyric extender lines and hyphens relative to lyrics, to the ends of systems, and to other extender lines and hyphens for all lyric extender lines and hyphens project-wide in the Extender Lines and Hyphens sections of the Lyrics page in Engraving Options.