Viewing options for cues

You can highlight cues and/or show cued material in a different color to normal notes in your project to help you identify cues more easily as you are working.

Choosing View > Highlight Cues shows bars containing cues with a translucent yellow highlight behind them, and a translucent blue highlight behind the bars that are used as the sources for cues.

As you zoom out, the highlights become more opaque, allowing you to get an overview both of where cues have already been added, and which instruments are being used as cues. This is especially useful when viewing full score layouts in galley view.

Choosing View > Note and Rest Colors > Cues shows cued material in gray, which indicates that this material cannot be edited directly.

In layouts where cues are not shown, cues are indicated by signposts. You can hide/show cue signposts by choosing View > Signposts > Cues. Cue signposts are shown when a tick appears beside Cues in the menu, and hidden when no tick appears.