Moving clefs graphically

You can move individual clefs graphically without affecting the positions of any other items.


  1. In Engrave mode, activate Note Spacing in the Formatting panel.
  2. Select the square handle above the clef you want to move.

    A circular handle appears beside the clef.

  3. Select the circular handle.
  4. Move the handle in any of the following ways:
    • Press Alt-Right Arrow to move it to the right.

    • Press Alt-Left Arrow to move it to the left.


      If you want to move items by larger increments, you can press Ctrl/Cmd as well as the standard key command, for example, Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-Left Arrow.


    You cannot move note spacing handles with the mouse, you can only move them using the keyboard.


The clef is moved graphically to the right/left, without affecting other items at the same rhythmic position.


You can also change Spacing Offset in the Clefs group of the Properties panel to move clefs horizontally. However, this also affects global note spacing around the rhythmic position of the clef.


The Spacing Offset property in the Clefs group of the Properties panel is not available when Note Spacing is activated.