Preventing restatements of accidentals on repetitions of notes in beamed groups

If you use the Modernist accidental duration rule, you can prevent accidentals from being shown on a repetition of a note of the same pitch within the same beam group.


  1. In Write mode, choose Write > Notation Options.

    The Notation Options dialog opens.

  2. In the Flows list, select the flows in which you want to change the Modernist rule for restating accidentals in one of the following ways:
    • Ctrl/Cmd-click individual flows.

    • Shift-click adjacent flows.

    • Click Select All.

    By default, only the current flow is selected when you open the dialog.

  3. Select Accidentals from the Category menu.
  4. In the Modernist options section, choose Do not restate within a beamed group for Accidentals on repetitions of the same note within a beamed group.
  5. Click Apply, then Close.