Cancelling double accidentals (Common practice)

You can change the way double accidentals are cancelled if you use the common practice accidental duration rule.


  1. In Write mode, choose Write > Notation Options.

    The Notation Options dialog opens.

  2. In the Flows list, select the flows in which you want to change the cancellation rule for double accidentals in one of the following ways:
    • Ctrl/Cmd-click individual flows.

    • Shift-click adjacent flows.

    • Click Select All.

    By default, only the current flow is selected when you open the dialog.

  3. Select Accidentals from the Category menu.
  4. In the Basic section, choose one of the following options for Single accidentals cancelling double accidentals:
    • Use archaic cancellation

      Double accidentals are cancelled by a natural-sharp or a natural-flat sign.

    • Use modern cancellation

      Double accidentals are cancelled by a single sharp or a single flat sign.

  5. Click Apply, then Close.