Showing Staff Notation in Tablature

You can show your score in tablature.


  • You have performed basic editing like quantizing to make the score as legible as possible.

  • The notes in the score are inside the range of the instrument.


  1. Select Scores > Settings.
  2. Select the Staff tab, and open the Tablature tab.
  3. Activate Tablature Mode.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Open the Instrument pop-up menu, and select one of the predefined instruments.

    • In the String Tunings section, set the open tuning of each string using the value fields. To disable a string, set it to Off.

  5. Optional: In the Capo value field, enter a value to set a capodaster on the corresponding fret.
  6. Set up the other options.
  7. Click Apply.


The score is shown in tablature.

Figure 1. Before and after activating tablature mode

After Completing This Task

You can switch back to regular notation by deactivating Tablature Mode.