Changing the display length

If you want to change the displayed length of notes without affecting how they play back, the first thing to try is to adjust Display Quantize, either for the whole staff or for a separate section, using the Display Quantize tool.

But you can also make display length adjustments to individual notes in the Set Note Info dialog:


  1. Double-click on the note.

    The Set Note Info dialog opens.

  2. Locate the “Length” setting.

    By default, this is set to “Auto”, which means that the note is displayed according to its actual length (and the Display Quantize settings).

  3. Double-click in the value field and enter a new length value (displayed in bars, beats, sixteenth notes, and ticks).

    To set the display length to “Auto” again, scroll the value down to zero.

  4. Click Apply and close the dialog.

    The note is now displayed according to its display length setting. However, the Display Quantize settings still apply!