Saving Staff Presets

You can save staff presets and load them whenever you work with a staff similar to one you have worked on before. This is useful because making staff settings for your scores can be time-consuming.


You have set up the staff to your liking.


There are a number of staff presets available, set up to suit various instruments, for example. If you select a preset, the corresponding settings are loaded. To apply these settings to a staff, you must click Apply.


  1. Open the Score Settings dialog (Staff tab).
  2. In the Presets section, click Store.
  3. Enter a name for the preset in the dialog, and click OK.


The preset is now available on the Presets pop-up menu in all projects. It includes all settings from Staff tab.

The staff presets are saved as individual files in the Staff Presets folder of the Presets folder within the Cubase program folder.