Entering Notes with the Mouse

You can enter notes with the mouse.


  1. Activate the staff.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the extended toolbar, click a note value symbol.

    • On the toolbar, select the Insert Note tool.

  3. On the toolbar, open the Quantize Presets pop-up menu and select a value.

    This determines the spacing between notes. If you select 1/1, you can only add notes at downbeats. If you select 1/8, you can add notes at eighth note positions, etc.

  4. Click in the staff and keep the mouse button pressed.

    The Insert Note tool changes into a note symbol.

  5. Adjust the pitch of the note by moving the mouse vertically.
    • If Use Mouse Wheel to Transpose Notes is activated in the Preferences dialog (Scores—Editing page), you can change the pitch of the note with the mouse wheel.

    • If Show Note Info by the Mouse is activated in the Preferences dialog (Scores—Editing page), the position and pitch of the note is also shown in a tooltip next to the pointer while you are dragging.

  6. Adjust the insert position by moving the mouse horizontally.

    If Show Bars and Beats Positions When Inserting Notes is activated in the Preferences dialog (Scores—Editing page), the bars and beats positions are shown when you click and hold down the mouse button. This allows you to find the correct position.

  7. Input chords by entering the chord notes at the same insert position.
  8. Release the mouse button to insert the note.


The note is inserted.


If you activate Show Pitch When Inserting Notes in the Preferences dialog (Scores—Editing page), you do not need to keep the mouse button pressed to see the note as it would be inserted in the score.